Qadesh La Yahweh Press (QLYP) is the publishing branch of Qadesh La Yahweh Assembly (QLYA). The purpose of QLYP is to communicate the truth of Yahweh regarding his plan for mankind and the existence of an afterlife.

We recognize that the true follower of Yahweh will earnestly seek out those things that will help guide one’s quest toward achieving eternal life.

Therefore, QLYA endeavors to furnish evidence through this website as it relates to Yahweh’s sound doctrines as presented in Scriptures to help establish a firm foundation for those trusting in Yahweh and his purpose for mankind. 

Presently, there are three “Publications” by QLYP that are available along with various “Articles” to read and download.

Our “Sacred Days” section contains Calendars with Yahweh’s Festival Days and High Sabbaths for the Gregorian Calendar years 2024 - 2026.

We also have a page labeled “Our Tenets” containing summaries of specific doctrinal stances held by QLYA as found in Scriptures.

Be sure to visit the “FAQ” section to receive answers to different questions posed by many as they try to sort out and discern Yahweh’s truth concerning various scriptural issues.

All of our materials are provided free of charge.

“Obtain the truth and do not sell wisdom, instruction,
and understanding.” (Proverbs, 23:23)

What’s New?

10/07/2024 - Added 3 Hebrew versions of the Gospel of Matthew to the Resources page.

10/04/2024 - Added a Prologue to The Sabbath and Jubilee Cycle page.

- A Donate   page has been added.

05/28/2024 - A new revised and expanded 3rd Edition of The Sabbath and Jubilee Cycle has been published.

11/08/2023 - The 2026 Calendar   has been added to the “Sacred Days”   section.

09/01/2023 - The 2025 Calendar has been added to the Sacred Days”   section.