There exists a special eternal covenant between father Yahweh and the archangel Yahu Yahweh (who later became the man Yahushua the messiah). Yahu always obeyed father Yahweh and has never sinned—whether, under the Yahu Covenant, any angelic covenant (for angels can sin), 1 the Adamic Covenant and its extensions (after becoming a man), the Abrahamic Covenants of Promise, and the Torah (Old Covenant) made at Mount Sinai. 2 Yahushua notes, “I have kept my father’s commandments and abide in his love.”3For this reason, Yahu has received the promises contained within all of these covenant agreements. An AchadCovenant The Yahu Covenant agreement or contract with father Yahweh is much like that of a senior and junior partner in a company or husband and wife in a marriage covenant. Father Yahweh is the head of the messiah, as the husband is the head of the wife in a human marriage, or as the messiah is the head of the Assembly. 4 Yahweh eloahiis dja ( akhad; unified as one)5in the ruach, 6 just as Adam and Eve were akhadin the flesh. 7 For this reason, Yahushua and father Yahweh are said to be akhad—and we shall one day be akhadwith them.8 In this covenant partnership, as with a mar- riage covenant, both parties share as joint own- ers of all the assets, but the junior partner is subject to the senior partner (as the wife is sub- ject to her husband). The junior partner contin- ues in this arrangement only as long as he or she does not transgress the agreement. At the same time, both partners are allowed to leave their right, title, and interest as an inheritance. Yet those receiving this inheritance must them- selves live by the conditions of the original covenant or contract (the Yahu Covenant). The agreement to leave an inheritance to their chil- dren, whether Adam, Abraham, the Israelites at Mount Sinai, or anyone else, can be made by either eloahi or partner. Nevertheless, only one of the eloahiin the original agreement is required to die in order to pass on their interest in the inheritance. Fur- ther, only the interest of the eloahbeing who dies is being transferred. The father, who can- not die, never loses any share in the ownership of all things because Yahushua’s share is always subject to that of father Yahweh’s. Yahu was given authority over all things except father Yahweh. 9 This authority included the power to create, 10 and even the use of the sacred name Yahweh. 11 The conditions of the Yahu Covenant for retaining this authority included the agreement that Yahu Yahweh would leave an inheritance by making a covenant with Adam (the Adamic Covenant), the Covenants of Promise with Abraham, and the marriage agreement (the Torah of Moses; Old Covenant) with the Israelites. One of the major agreements in the Yahu Covenant was Yahu’s promise to become a fleshly man, to be The Yahu Covenant 1 E.g., 2 Pet., 2:4; Jude, 1:6. 2 1 Pet., 2:21f; 2 Cor., 5:21; Heb., 4:14f; 1 John, 3:5. 3 John, 15:10. 4 1 Cor., 11:3–12; Eph., 1:19–23, 4:15f, 5:22–27; Col., 1:18, 2:16–19. 5 The Hebrew word dja (akhad) means much more than the cardinal number “one,” as it is so often translated. Its primary mean- ing is to be “united, i.e. one,” “to unify” (HEL: Hebrew-English Lexicon. Zondervan Edition, 1970, p. 10; SEC: Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance, Heb. #258, 259; CHAL: A Concise Hebrew and Aramaic Lexicon of the Old Testament. William GB. Eerdmans Publish- ing Company, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1971, p. 9). The same word is used when a husband and wife are united in a marriage (Gen., 2:24; compare with Eph., 5:33–32; 1 Cor., 6:15–17). The Hebrew dja (akhad) is translated into the Greek of the LXX as ei`~ (eis), by its neut. form e[n (hen), and by its fem. form miva (mia), gen. eJnov~ , mia`~ , etc. (e.g., Deut., 6:4; Zech., 14:9; Gen., 2:24). These forms all mean “one” as in an individual or one unified group (GEL: An Intermediate Greek-English Lexicon. At the Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1968, pp. 231, 257, 491ff, 512; SEC, Gk. #1520, 3391). 6 Deut., 6:4; Zech., 14:9; 1 Cor., 6:16f. 7 Gen., 2:24; Matt., 19:4–6. 8 John, 10:30, 17:11, 20–23; 1 Cor., 16:16f; Eph., 5:28–32; 1 Cor., 15:8; etc. 9 1 Cor., 15:24–28. 10John, 1:3f, 10; Col., 1:15–18; Heb., 1:1f; Eph., 3:8f. 11 E.g., Exod., 23:20–23; and see FSDY: The Festivals and Sacred Days of Yahweh, Volume 1, Qadesh La Yahweh Press, Garden Grove, CA,. App. A. Available at, A RTICLE S ERIES Q ADESH L A Y AHWEH P RESS C OPYRIGHT © 2022born under the conditions of the handwritten Torah of Moses, and to qualify as an heir under all of the covenants made with mankind. He then had to subject his sinless life to death in order to pass on the inheritance contained in those agreements. In return for Yahu not sin- ning against the Yahu Covenant, father Yahweh promised to resurrect Yahu from the dead, quicken him into an eternal being, and return him to his former glory. He also promised, among other things, to perfect him into a high- er sinless form, give him life within himself, and to subject all things under him, except for father Yahweh. Before the Foundation of the World The messiah’s death was “foreknown before the foundation of the world.” 12 This detail reveals that Yahushua had agreed to become a fleshly man and to leave an inheritance to the family of Adam before Adam was ever created. For this reason, in Revelation, Yahushua is called “the Lamb slain from the founding of the world.” 13 Further, Yahushua will not enter into his rest until the 7th-Millennial Sabbath Day,14 “though verily the works from the foundation of the world were done.” 15 In fact, father Yah- weh “appointed him heir of all things, through whom also he made the world-ages,”16thereby indicating Yahu’s appointment as his own heir prior to our present world-age. In the same manner, the plan involving the messiah and the salvation of humankind was also known from the foundation of the world: Blessed be the deityand father of our sovereign Yahushua the messi- ah, who blessed us with every ruach (spiritual) blessing in the heavenlies with messiah; according as he chose us in him (the messiah) before the foundation of the world, for us to be sacred and blameless before him in love; having prede- termined us for adoption through Yahushua the messiah unto himself, according to the good pleasure of his will. 17 Yahushua informs us that those blessed of father Yahweh shall “inherit the kingdom pre- pared for you from the foundation of the world.” 18 Saul told Titus of “the hope of eternal life, which Yahweh, who cannot lie, promised before the ages of time.”19A promise indicates an agreement. There are also those whose “names are not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world.” 20 Saul informed Timothy that Yahweh “shall save and call us with a sacred calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace, which was given us in messiah Yahushua before the ages of time.”21The “mys- tery” of this plan for eternal salvation to all nations, as he writes elsewhere, “has been hid- den from ages and from generations, but now was made manifest to his sacred ones.”22 These statements demonstrate that the inheritance granting eternal life by means of grace can only come about through the death and resurrection of the messiah. At the same time, for those who do not qualify, the end result is eternal death. Accordingly, eternal death for the wicked was also part of the agree- ment that existed prior to the creation of Adam and our world. Yahu was required by his agree- ment with father Yahweh to make a covenant- will with Adam and, later, with a descendant (Abraham). The fact that Yahushua is heir to all things defines the agreement as a will; 23 and, as 121 Pet., 1:17–21. 13 Rev., 13:8. 14 Heb., 3:7–4:13; compare with Rev., 20:4–8; 2 Pet., 3:3–13; Ps., 84:10, 90:4. 15 Heb., 4:3. 16 Heb., 1:1f. 17 Eph., 1:3–5. 18 Matt., 25:31–34. 19 Titus, 1:2. 20 Rev., 17:8. 21 2 Tim., 1:9. 22Col., 1:26. 23 Heb., 1:2. 2T HE Y AHU C OVENANTsuch, this will demands the death of the testator of the will in order for the inheritance to pass on. 24 Yahu must himself come under the Adam- ic and Abrahamic agreements, as well as the Torah of Moses, which was attached, in order to receive back his authority over all things after his death and resurrection. Yahu Subject to Yahweh To be heir of all things means that under their covenant, father Yahweh gave Yahu all things so that he could leave them as an inheritance. Since the inheritance contains eternal life, the contract is an eternal covenant. But an inheri- tance to all things is allowed only when the recipient does not sin. This heirship of the mes- siah likewise defines his role in the Adamic Covenant as the Tree of Life,25 and his subse- quent obedience unto death. It also reveals that Yahu entered into this agreement with father Yahweh before any man walked upon the face of the earth. In speaking of his impending death, the messiah remarks, “I have authority to lay it down, and I have authority to receive it once more. THIS COMMANDMENT I RECEIVED FROM MY FATHER.” 26 As a result of Yahu keeping his part of the agreement, father Yahweh raised the messiah and quickened him into eternal life, 27 gave him immortal life within himself, 28 and returned him to third heavens to sit at the right-hand side of the heavenly throne.29It was also by means of his covenant with father Yahweh, which was made before the foundation of the world that Yahu (Yahushua) was resurrected and quick- ened into immortality before any other human. That Yahu was not raised from the dead per the Abrahamic Covenants is made manifest by the fact that not one of the promises provided in that inheritance has yet been granted.30Accord- ing to Scriptures, not one of the Abrahamic promises has yet been given. Nevertheless, Yahushua was already under the Yahu Covenant, which allowed him to receive cer- tain rewards prior to the resurrection of Abra- ham, the elect of the First Resurrection, and the rest of the world under the Adamic Covenant and later Abrahamic Covenants of Promise. Father Yahweh’s separate contract with Yahu Yahweh (Yahushua) explains why the Scrip tures only number two great resurrections for all mankind:31 • The First Resurrection. It consists of the jus- tified elders (Abraham, Isaak, etc.), the apos- tles, and the elect of Israel. These will be raised when the messiah returns at the begin- ning of the great 7th-Millennial Sabbath Day (the seventh day) and shall reign with him as priests and kings during this time before the Millennial Judgment Day (the eighth day). 32 • The Second Resurrection (i.e., the general resurrection). It consists of the rest of mankind (both justified and unjustified) who did not qualify for the First Resurrection. These will be raised in the early part of the Millennial Judgment Day (the eighth day). 33 The messiah’s resurrection, quickening into eternal life, and perfection cannot be counted among the resurrections of mankind because it came by means of the much earlier contract with father Yahweh and not via the Adamic or Abrahamic covenants. Per their agreement, it was father Yahweh who raised the messiah and gave him eternal life. 34 On the other hand, to receive eternal salva- tion, we must obey the messiah,35he is our eloah(deity). 36 It is by means of Yahu Yahweh 24 Heb., 9:13–18. 25 See The Festivals and Sacred Days of Yahweh, Volume 1, Qadesh La Yahweh Press, Garden Grove, CA, 1998, App. E. 26 John, 10:18. 27 E.g., 1 Pet., 1:21; Acts, 2:32, 4:10, 13:32–34, 17:31; Rom., 10:9; 1 Cor., 6:14. 28 John, 5:26. 29 E.g., Ps., 110:1; Matt., 22:41–44, 26:64; Mark, 14:62, 16:19; Luke, 20:42, 22:69; Acts, 2:34, 7:54–56; Rom., 8:34; Eph., 1:20; Col., 3:1; Heb., 1:3, 13, 8:1, 10:12, 12:2; 1 Pet., 3:21f. 30 See FSDY, Volume 1, Chap. III, pp. 47–51. 31 Rev., 20:4–15. 32 Heb., 3:7–4:13; compare with Rev., 20:4–8; 2 Pet., 3:3–13; Pss., 84:10, 90:4. 33 2 Pet., 3:3–13; compare with Rev., 20:11–21:8, in contrast with Rev., 20:4–8. Also compare with Pss., 84:10, 90:4. 34 E.g., 1 Pet., 1:21; Acts, 2:32, 4:10, 13:32–34, 17:31; Rom., 10:9; 1 Cor., 6:14. 35 Heb., 5:9. 36 E.g., Titus, 1:3f, 2:11–13; John, 20:28. T HE Y AHU C OVENANT 3(Yahushua the messiah) and the covenants he made with mankind that the rest of mankind receive their resurrection from the dead, 37 as well as their reception of eternal life, 38 along with their baptism by ruach and fire.39We receive these things directly from the messiah because our contract is with him. The messiah received certain things from father Yahweh because his contract was with the father. At the same time, both the messiah and all of mankind are subject to father Yahweh, because our covenant agreement with Yahushua is itself subject to Yahushua’s covenant agreement with father Yahweh. This information reflects the fact that it was the son, Yahu Yahweh, who made the Adamic Covenant with mankind and the Abrahamic Covenants with Abraham. Yahu Yahweh, after becoming Yahushua the messiah, a descendant of Abraham, also came under the same covenants made with Adam and Abraham. The Torah of Moses (Old Covenant) made with the entire family of the Israelites after the Exodus was binding upon Yahushua as well, for during his life he was under the handwritten Torah of Moses. 40 The order of the covenants made so far, each attached as part of the previous ones, are as follows (Chart M, page 6): • The Yahu Covenant • The Adamic Covenant (Torah of Trust)41 • The Noachic Covenant 42 • The Abrahamic Covenants (Torah of Trust) 43 Two covenants are independently attached to the Abrahamic Covenants: • The Torah of Moses at Mount Sinai and its augmentations (the works of the Torah)44 • The Davidic Covenant 45 In the future, there shall be further covenants made, including the New Covenant that is promised to the House of Israel and the House of Judah within the Covenants of Prom- ise made with Abraham.46 Why Do It This Way? Why did Yahu Yahweh have to die at all in the Yahu Covenant? Instead of a will, why not merely grant eternal life as a gift? The necessi- ty of Yahu going through this process is revealed in Hebrews, 2:5–18. This passage notes that the world to come is not subject to angels (for men will judge angels). 47 Messiah was made lower than eloahim (i.e., angels) 48 when he became a fleshly man, but by dying and then obtaining the Eternal Inheritance, all the works of father Yahweh become subject to him. But not all at once. The passage in Hebrews continues: But now we do not yet see all things subjected to him; but we see Yahushua, who was made a little lower than angels, ON ACCOUNT OF THE SUFFERING OF DEATH, with glory and with honor crowned; SO THAT BY THE GRACE OF THE DEITY HE MIGHT TASTE DEATH. For it was becoming to him, through whom came all things and through whom are all things, many sons to bring to glory, THE LEADER OF THEIR SALVATION, THROUGH SUFFERINGS TO BE MADE PERFECT. For both he who sanctifies and those being sanctified are all out of one; for which cause he is not ashamed to call them brethren, saying, I will declare your name to 37 John, 11:24f; Acts, 4:1f; 2 Cor., 4:14; compare with Rom., 8:11; 1 Cor., 6:14; John, 2:19–21. 38 John, 3:15, 5:39f, 6:54, 10:27f, 17:1f; compare with Rom., 6:23. 39 Matt., 3:11f; Luke, 3:16f. 40 Gal., 4:4f, compare with 3:23. 41 Gen., 1:26–30 (compare with 5:2), 2:8f, 3:1–3, 17–19, 22–24; Isa., 24:4f; Hos., 6:6f; An in-depth discussion of the evidence will be presented in the forthcoming work The Festivals and Sacred Days of Yahweh, Vol. 3. 42 Gen., 8:22, 9:1–17. 43 Gen., 12:1–3, 7, 13:14–17, 15:1–12, 17–21, 17:1–14, 18:16–19, 21:9–13. 44 The original content of the Torah covenant is found in Exod., 20:1–24:8; and the numerous augmentations are located in the subsequent chapters of Exodus and on through until the end of Deuteronomy. 45 Ps., 89:1–4, 34–37; 2 Sam., 7:4–29; 1 Chron., 17:3–27. Compare with Isa., 9:6f; Luke, 1:31–33. 46 Jer., 31:31–34; Heb., 8:3–13. 47 1 Cor., 6:2f. 48 Ps., 8:4–7; compare with Heb., 2:5–9. 4T HE Y AHU C OVENANTmy brethren; in the midst of the assembly I will sing praises to you. And again, I will be trusting in him. And again, Behold, I and the chil- dren which Yahweh gave me. Since therefore the children have partaken of flesh and blood, also he in like manner took part in the same, that THROUGH DEATH HE MIGHT ANNUL HIM WHO HAS THE DOMINION OF DEATH, THAT IS, THE DEVIL; and he might set free those whosoever by fear of death through all their lifetime were sub- ject to bondage. For not indeed of angels does he take hold, but of the seed of Abraham he takes hold. Wherefore it behooved him in all things to be made like his brethren, that a merciful and trustful high priest he might be in things relating to eloah, for to make propitiation for the sons of the people; FOR IN THAT HE HAS SUFFERED HIM- SELF BY HAVING BEEN TEMPT- ED, HE IS ABLE TO HELP THOSE BEING ENTICED. 49 Several important points are established: • Yahushua had to experience different suffer- ings, including the suffering and tasting of death, in order for him to be made perfect, as father Yahweh is perfect.50He could not experience these things as an eloahbeing. Neither could he reach this higher perfection himself without suffering even unto death. • By dying Yahushua was able to open a path- way to freedom for mankind, who at present is under the bondage of death and the author- ity of Satan, the one who has the dominion of death. • Yahushua declared the sacred name to his disciples. 51 • By dying, Yahushua was able to annul Satan. That is, by dying and passing on the Eternal Inheritance to himself, he has opened a path for us to escape the rulership of Satan in this world-age. We also are able to circumvent the need to come under the handwritten Torah of Moses. With the inheritance in his hands, grace appears, giving us another way to eter- nal life, one within our realm of possibility. • Having been tempted himself and knowing our experience in being enticed, Yahushua is now able to assist us. It is for this reason that Yahushua did not judge anyone in our pres- ent condition, for that would be unfair. Yet, having experienced what it is to be a man and suffering death, he has now qualified to judge men during the great Millennial Judg- ment Day (the 8th day). 52His sacred ones (the elect of Israel), having also suffered unto death in this world, shall be raised up in the First Resurrection. Under the leadership of the messiah, they shall also judge men and angels. 53 The evidence proves that Yahu had to be raised to a higher level of perfection himself. Indeed, he also obtained life within himself from father Yahweh.54Yet to gain those things, Yahushua had to experience temptations, suf- ferings, and even suffer death. At present, while in a state of perfection, he can plead for us and assist us toward our own perfection. Yahu’s experience as a human being and his present quickened and perfected condition qualify him as the “ ajrchgo;n (archegon; chief leader)” of our salvation.55Yahu Yahweh (Yahushua the messiah) will deliver us from the curse of death because he was faithful to the Yahu Covenant. 49 Heb., 2:8–18. 50 Matt., 5:48. 51 Compare with John, 17:6, 26. 52 John, 12:47f; 2 Tim., 4:1, 8; Acts, 10:40–43; 2 Cor., 5:10. 53 1 Cor., 6:2f; Rev., 20:4–6. 54 John, 5:26. 55 Heb., 2:10. T HE Y AHU C OVENANT 5CHART M C OVENANTSOF Y AHWEH Yahu Covenant Before the Foundation of the World 1 Pet., 1:17–21; Eph., 1:3–5 After Adam’s Creation Gen., 2:15f, 3:1–23 After Noah’s Flood Gen., 8:13–9:17 2054/2053–2004/2003 B.C.E.* From Abraham’s migration to Kanaan at age 75 until his offering of Isaak Gen., 12:1–22:18 1954/1953 B.C.E. Gen., 26:1–5; Ps., 105:8–10; 1 Chron., 16:14–18 1869/1868 B.C.E. Gen., 35:6–20; Ps., 105:8–10; 1 Chron., 16:14–18 430 years before the Torah given at Mount Sinai Gal., 3:17; Exod., 12:40 1439/1438–1400/1399 B.C.E. From the Torah at Mount Sinai to the Trans-Jordan Covenant recorded in Deuteronomy Exod., 20:1–Deut., 31:26 992/991 B.C.E. Ps., 89:1–4, 34–37; 2 Sam., 7:4–29; 1 Chron., 17:3–27 Abrahamic Covenants given by an oath to Isaak Abrahamic Covenants confirmed to Jacob as a statute Phasekh 30 C.E. Eph., 2:11–17; Col., 2:13–15; Acts, 15:1–29, 16:4 Adamic Covenant Noachic Covenant Old Covenant (Torah of Moses) Abrahamic Covenants Davidic Covenant Four Dogmasin for Us Continue To Present Time DogmasinAgainst Us Annulled at Yahushua’s Death * All dates are Abib reckoning (i.e., from the spring of one year to the spring of the next) 6Next >